Thursday, January 17, 2008

This week's appointment

So, we didn't have another ultrasound this week after all. We just set up the appointment for our 20 week ultrasound on Feb 20th. We did get to hear the heartbeat yesterday so it wasn't a completely boring appointment! The baby's heartrate was a strong 150 bpm! Here's this week's belly pic, there's not much of a difference from the 12 week pic.

Don't forget to leave a comment so we know who's visiting us!


Anonymous said...

Hi my baby Jackson ! I'm anticipating your arrival. I can't wait to meet you and hold you for the first time. I think about you and you're mommy and daddy all the time. You're not even born yet and i don't think i could love you anymore then i already do <3 !!
Patiently Waiting,

Anonymous said...

So nice to see that tummy! I love the fact that you are so far away but I too get to enjoy the picture of the ultra-sound and your increasing belly size. I voted for a boy. Not sure why, just a feeling! Do you have names picked out yet? When I was pregnant with Kelvin I only had two boy names picked out. I figured when I saw him for the first time I would know what it should be. I took one look and knew it was Kelvin. Didn't even have a girl name. I knew for some reason he was a boy. I am so excited for you both and can't wait to see your little "bean". Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy and every movement you feel, NOTHING can compare to it! Love and miss you all very much.

Auntie Rhonda (Fairmont, MN)

Anonymous said...

Hey girlie sorry you didnt get to have another u/s at least you know with the next visit that you will deffinately get to see your little bean and it gives you another month to decide weather you want to find out or not. You look great by the way. TTYS

Anonymous said...

Hey guys. I am so excited for you. I will get the stroller to you when Dom out grows it. I am looking forward to actually meeting you Kayla and seeing you again Jackson. Enjoy everything about the pregnancy. I voted BOY as I recognize the heart beat like Dom's was at that age. S/he won't be a "bean" much longer as s/he has arms and legs now and is an actual baby. I hope you guys want to find out, it is killing me for the wait. A blog was a great idea. I look forward to updated tummy ( aka BUMP as it is known here in England ) pics and a future "baby" not "bean" pics. Maybe if you're having a boy they will give you a pic of the "boy parts" and "baby feet" like they did for us. Those are some of my favorite pics as well as the 4D pics we got. Enjoy everything.
Nicole, Tim, Bug and Dom

Anonymous said...

i cant wait to see pictures of baby jackson! dont give mommy a tough are a true blessing and the world is excited to have you in this big world!

<3 lauren landon & logan

Anonymous said...

Hey guys want to stop by and show you same love... I cant wait till your ill bundle of joy arrives! Keep us updated and give me a call when you guys have a free moment! Lots of love from Daytona!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you all! I was wondering what happened to the baby blog . . . for some reason I thought boy too. just . . . sorts thought so, and we know I don't know anything about all that. I'm glad you're keeping pictures and everything. it's so exciting to watch (er, hear about ? still.)!!!
