Saturday, November 15, 2008

4 months 1 week and 5 days old!!

Mackenzie went to see Santa today! She did so great, she didn't cry or fuss at all, I'm so proud of her!

Mackenzie had her four month well baby check-up on the fourth of this month and she had to get more shots. She did pretty well with them, she cried for a couple of minutes until I was trying to get a fuzzy out of her fingers and she started laughing!! She has ticklish hands, lol! She weighed in at 13 lbs 12 oz and was 25.5 inches long! She's in the 90th percentile for height and the 50th for weight.

Mackenzie laughed for the first time on October first, a few days before Rob had to leave for his mission. I was changing her diaper which had exploded and I started gagging because the smell was so bad and all of a sudden she started laughing!!

I started her on peas last week and she hated them but I started her on green beans yesterday. She took a few bites and didn't really like them. They were really runny and she kept spitting them out so I mixed a little rice cereal with the green beans and she loved it!!

There is so much going on here, I could go on and on about Mackenzie but I need to get some laundry and dishes done so I can get to bed. Here are a bunch of pictures of Mackenzie that I've taken just in the past couple of weeks. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Now all we need is a recording of that giggle!

She's so sweet and pretty, do you get a lot of attention when she goes out?

Let me know if you need anything from the States, Las Vegas seems to have everything we need in the world to get by.

Lotsa hugs,


Anonymous said...

This is her great aunt Tami. She is such a sweetie. I wish I could come over to Germany with her mama and greatgrandma when they come to see her. I really enjoyed it when we were stationed there. Give MacKenzie hugs and kisses for me and hopefully will see you all when you return to the states. Take care and keep sending those pics for us to see!